Ma uitam mai devreme pe Facebook, si cineva a distribuit un link. Am intrat, am dat cateva clickuri si presupun ca am ajutat cativa copii sa manance. Gandeste-te,tu dormi in fiecare seara linistit, ei poate dorm inghemuiti deoarece nu au mai mancat probabil de zile intregi, sau cina lor a fost ceva care a fost foarte putin si nu indeajuns. Tu dimineata mananci un mic dejun copios, ei poate nu au nici felia de paine pe care tu probabil o arunci sau o lasi sa se usuce. Intra si tu AICI, eu am facut-o. Doar daca dai un click sa intrii sa vezi care e situatia poti ajuta un copil sa doarma si el hranit si linistit, Mai jos ai si cateva linkuri cu unele jocuri chiar frumoase:).... Cultura generala, intrebari simple despre geografie, vocabularul englez, gramatica engleza, arta si multe altele:)..... pentru un raspuns corect ei au o lingura de faina, pentru 10 raspunsuri primesc 10 linguri de faina, ceea ce este de ajuns pentru o chifla. Ajuta, sunt doar copii si merita. Artistii au facut melodia We are the world, a ajutat destul de mult, foarte multi bani au fost castigati si donati copiilor bolnavi si flamanzi, Tu chiar nu poti da un singur click si sa ajuti un copil sa doarma la fel de linistit ca tine? Oricum tu iti pierzi ore in sir in fata computerului, dand tot felul de clickuri pe tot felul de reclame cum sa castigi bani, sau cum sa iti cunosti sufletul pereche. acesta este linkul :)....
I looked up earlier on Facebook and somebody distributed a link. I came, I gave a few clicks and I suppose I helped some children to eat. Think, every night you sleep peacefully, they can sleep sad because they have probably not eaten for days, or their dinner was something that was very little and not enough. You eat a big breakfast in the morning, they may not have any slice of bread that you probably throw it or let it dry. Enter HERE, I did.Only if you click a link to come to see what's the situation can help a child to sleep and fed him and quiet, you may also have some links with some very beautiful games :)....General culture, simple questions on geography, English vocabulary, English grammar art and more :)..... for a correct answer they have a tablespoon of flour, 10 replies received 10 tablespoons of flour, which is enough for a bun. Help, they are just kids and deserve. Artists have made the song We Are the World, has helped a lot, a lot of money was earned and donated sick and hungry children, you really can not give a single click and help a child to sleep as quiet as you? Either way you lose hours in front of the computer, giving all sorts of clicks on all sorts of advertisements how to earn money, or how to know your soul mate. This is the link :)....
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